Veebipoe (edaspidi Veebipood) omanik on Sumena OÜ (registrikood 16520799).

Validity of the sales contract, product and price information

The terms of sale apply to the purchase of goods from the online store.

Veebipoes müüdavate toodete hinnad on märgitud toodete juurde. Hinnale lisandub tasu kauba kättetoimetamise eest. Kõik veebipoes müüdavate kaupade hinnad on eurodes. Tasuta kohaletoimetamine alates 14€ tellimusest.

The fee for delivering the goods depends on the location of the buyer and the method of delivery. The delivery fee is displayed to the buyer when completing the order.

Information about the product is provided in the Online store directly next to the product.


To order the goods, you must add the desired products to the shopping cart. To complete the order, you must fill in the required data fields and choose the appropriate method of product delivery. The amount of the fee is then displayed on the screen, which can be paid securely through the following payment methods:

NB! When paying with a bank link, be sure to press the "Back to the merchant" button on the bank's page.

Makseid vahendab Modena Payments OÜ. Tasumine toimub väljaspool Veebipoodi turvalises keskkonnas – pangalingiga tasumisel vastava panga turvalises keskkonnas ja krediitkaardiga tasumisel Modena turvalises keskkonnas. Müüjal puudub ligipääs kliendi panga ja krediitkaardi andmetele. Leping jõustub alates tasumisele kuuluva summa laekumisest Veebipoe arvelduskontole.

Veebipoe omanik on isikuandmete vastutav töötleja ning edastab maksete teostamiseks vajalikud isikuandmed volitatud töötleja Modena Payments OÜ-le.

If the ordered goods cannot be delivered due to the end of the goods or for some other reason, the buyer will be informed of this as soon as possible and the money paid (including the costs of delivering the goods) will be returned without delay, but no later than within 14 days of sending the notice.


Goods are sent to the following countries: Estonia, Finland

To receive the goods, the buyer has the following options: Omniva, Smartpost, DPD parcel machine and courier.

The shipping costs of the goods are paid by the buyer, and the corresponding price information is displayed next to the shipping method.

Shipments within Estonia generally arrive at the destination specified by the buyer within 3 working days from the entry into force of the sales contract.
Shipments to Finland generally arrive at the destination specified by the buyer within 5 working days from the entry into force of the sales contract.

In exceptional cases, you have the right to deliver the goods within 45 calendar days.

Right of withdrawal

After receiving the order, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded in the e-shop within 14 days.

NB! Depending on the products, the buyer may not have the right of withdrawal, in which case the corresponding products and services must be listed and they must comply võlaõigusseaduse to the conditions listed in subsection 4 of § 53.

The right of withdrawal does not apply if the buyer is a legal entity.

In order to use the 14-day right of return, the ordered goods must not be used in any other way than is necessary to make sure of the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods in a way that is allowed to test the goods in a physical store.

If the goods have been used for purposes other than what is necessary to verify the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods, or if they show signs of use or wear, the Online Store has the right to reduce the refundable fee according to the decrease in the value of the goods.

Kauba tagastamiseks tuleb esitada kauba ostmisest taganemise avaldus, mille vormi leiab siit: siia link taganemisavaldusele ning saata see e-posti aadressile hiljemalt 14 päeva jooksul kauba kättesaamisest.

The cost of returning the goods is paid by the buyer, unless the reason for the return lies in the fact that the product to be returned does not correspond to the one ordered (e.g. a wrong or defective product).

The buyer must return the goods within 14 days after submitting the application or provide proof that they have handed over the goods to the carrier of the goods within the aforementioned period.

Upon receiving the returned goods, the online store will return to the buyer immediately, but no later than 14 days after receiving the withdrawal, all fees received from the buyer under the contract.

The Online Store may refuse to issue refunds until it has received the item that is the subject of the contract or until the buyer has provided evidence that it has returned the item, whichever occurs first.

If the buyer has explicitly chosen a delivery method other than the cheapest usual delivery method offered by the Online Store, the Online Store does not have to refund the cost to the consumer that exceeds the cost associated with the usual delivery method.

The online store has the right to withdraw from the sales transaction and demand the goods back from the buyer, if the price of the goods in the online store is marked significantly lower than the market price of the goods due to an error.

The right to file a claim

The online store is responsible for the non-compliance of the goods sold to the buyer with the contract conditions or a defect that already existed at the time of handing over the item and that appears within two years from the handing over of the goods to the buyer. Within the first six months from the delivery of the item to the buyer, it is assumed that the defect was already present at the time of delivery of the item. It is the Webshop's responsibility to refute the corresponding assumption.

Ostjal on õigus puuduse ilmnemisel pöörduda hiljemalt kahe kuu jooksul veebipoe poole, saates e-kirja aadressile .

The online store is not responsible for defects that have occurred after the goods have been handed over to the buyer.

If the goods purchased from the Online Store have defects for which the Online Store is responsible, the Online Store will repair or replace the defective goods. If it is not possible to repair or replace the goods, the Webshop will return all fees associated with the sales contract to the buyer.

The online store responds to the consumer's complaint in writing or in a form that enables written reproduction within 15 days.

Direct marketing and personal data processing

The online store uses the personal data entered by the buyer only to process the order and send the goods to the buyer. The online store transmits personal data to companies providing transport services in order to deliver goods.

The online store sends newsletters and offers to the buyer's e-mail address only if the buyer has expressed his wish to do so by entering an e-mail address on the website and has indicated his wish to receive direct mail notifications.

The buyer can opt out of offers and newsletters sent to e-mail at any time by notifying us by e-mail or by following the instructions in the e-mail containing the offers.

Solving arguments

Kui ostjal on Veebipoe osas pretensioone, tuleb need saata e-kirja aadressile .

If the buyer and the Online Store cannot resolve the dispute by agreement, the buyer can appeal to the Consumer Disputes Committee. You can familiarize yourself with the procedural conditions and submit an application siin. The competence of the Consumer Disputes Committee is to resolve disputes arising from the contract concluded between the buyer and the Online Store. Review of the buyer's complaint by the commission is free of charge.

The buyer can turn to the consumer dispute resolution platform of the European Union here.
