Privacy Policy 

Principles introducing the privacy policy of Sumena OÜ.

To whom do the terms apply?

The data protection conditions apply to all natural persons who visit the Sumena stores and website belonging to Sumena OÜ make a purchase from a Sumena store or Sumena e-store, follow Sumena's social media or send Sumena a request containing personal data by post, e-mail or telephone. The Data Protection Terms also apply to the processing of personal data of representatives of customers who are legal entities.

Sumena has the right to change or supplement the Data Protection Terms at any time. The applicable data protection conditions are always available on the Sumena website It is also possible to familiarize yourself with the data protection conditions by contacting the customer service of the Sumena store or the Sumena data protection specialist by e-mail

Direct marketing and personal data processing

Sumena uses the personal data entered by the buyer to process the order and send the goods to the buyer. The online store transmits personal data to companies providing transport services in order to deliver goods.

The online store sends newsletters and offers to the customer's e-mail address only if the customer has expressed his wish to do so by entering an e-mail address on the website and has indicated his wish to receive direct mail notifications.

The buyer can opt out of offers and newsletters sent to e-mail at any time by notifying us by e-mail or by following the instructions in the e-mail containing the offers.

In order to improve the quality of business and service, Sumena collects voluntary feedback from customers.